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Voyager: "Equinox"
Episode Title: "EQUINOX, PART II"

Production Number: 921
Original Air Date: 09-22-99
Stardates: ~

Synopsis: The Voyager gets help from the Ankari to communicate with the attacking aliens, and captures most of the renegade Equinox crew, but the U.S.S. Equinox is destroyed while trying to escape, and Captain Ransom and first officer Maxwell Burke die. The Voyager's Emergency Medical Hologram deletes his Equinox counterpart, who has been impersonating him aboard the Voyager. The remaining Equinox crew is integrated into the Voyager crew, but will be under close supervision.

Guest Characters: Captain Rudy Ransom dies, Lt. Maxwell Burke dies, Crewman Noah Lessing, Ensign Marla Gilmore, Equinox E.M.H.
Alien Races: *Ankari
Starships: U.S.S. Equinox destroyed

KEY: [brackets]=illusions   *star=first appearance

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