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Klingon Empire

First Appearance: "ERRAND OF MERCY"

Physical Attributes: Humanoid

Historical Notes: The Klingon Empire is an advanced interstellar military dictatorship on the borders of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, whose homeworld is Qo'noS, also known as Kling. The Empire comprises a number of conquered worlds under the authority of the Klingon chancellor, head of a governing High Council.

Klingon warriors carry disruptors, but prefer to use bladed weapons in combat, including the bat'leth -- a curved bilateral sword that can decapitate its victim with one stroke -- and the mek'leth -- a two-pronged dagger, which is typically used to slash the throat or disembowel.

In the Twenty-Second Century, the Borderland was a volitile region of space between the Klingon Empire and the Orion Syndicate, attracting the worst elements of both. At this time, Chancellor M'Rek was the leader of the Klingon Empire.

In the Twenty-third Century, negotiations between the Klingon Empire and the United Federation of planets broke down and a war was declared, but around Stardate 3201.7, the peaceful energy beings known as Organians disabled the fleets of both sides and warned them not to continue the war.

The Klingon Empire later exchanged its warp-capable starship technology with the Romulan Star Empire, which was developing advanced cloaking technology.

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